Fasting When Pregnant Old, How To Keep Fetus No Nutritional Deficiency?
klik disini Fasting When Pregnant Old, How To Keep Fetus No Nutritional Deficiency? Jakarta, Good day Mbak, I'm currently pregnant thirty-two weeks and undergoing fasting. I'm afraid my fetus is malnourished. So what should I eat for additional ya Mbak? Thank you. Fani (Female, 29 years old) AnswerHa Mom, the decision to fast back to Mom. Containing and giving birth to a healthy child, the good will be greater because if fasting is good can be enjoyed by Mom herself, while the solitary child and useful for the goodness of society multiply (because felt by many people) .If Mom find it difficult to eat many at night, preferably in installments throughout the day. Do not forget to always consume fish oil / omega 3 supplements yes Mom to grow brain development from the fetus Mom good.Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (University of Sydney). With special interest in diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification pr...